
Frequently Asked Questions

  • Please describe the different user roles available in VIDIZMO?

    VIDIZMO provides various User Roles out of the box including Administrators, Managers, Moderators, Contributors, and Viewers. These default roles typically fulfill most customer needs however they can be customized to meet specific needs if required. Please refer to following help article Understanding User Roles for a description of various VIDIZMO User Roles in VIDIZMO.

    Watch Video: Understanding Role Based Access Control. 

  • Does VIDIZMO provide capability to define new user roles or customize existing user roles?

    Yes. VIDIZMO's default roles typically fulfill most customer needs however they can be customized or new roles can be created to meet specific needs if required. In case the default user roles do not fit your requirements, please contact VIDIZMO Support.

    Read more: How to Change User Role.

  • How does VIDIZMO handle authorization?

    VIDIZMO has implemented RBAC (Role Based Access Control) mechanism to handle authorization. This mechanism is based on a set of ‘claims’ that a user role is entitled to. These claims basically define the set of ‘actions’ a user in a given role can perform for a set of ‘entities’. All registered users are assigned one of the defined user roles and based on that claim set, a user automatically inherits the permission set to perform various operations in VIDIZMO application.

    Watch Video: Authenticating and Authorizing Users.

  • How does VIDIZMO segregate users, content and delegate their management to specific users or groups?

    VIDIZMO excels at both, content/user segregation and delegation of their management to internal organizational units/entities/departments, granting them complete control, while also providing complete privacy and independence to each organizational unit. This is made possible by the multi-tenant nature of VIDIZMO application where each Portal is a tenant, allowing complete segregation of content and users. Within Portals, unlimited categories, user groups, and roles can be created that can be customized to fit varying business needs. By default, each Portal has its own Managers, Moderators, and Contributors to manage its content and users.

    Each Portal may also connect to its own user authentication sources such as Active Directory, Database, Social Media Login, or Forms-based authentication. VIDIZMO AD Connector software may pre-position users within VIDIZMO software and map users/groups with specific Portals. To achieve similar business goals, VIDIZMO competitors typically require multiple licenses of their product and each product will require separate installation, management, and control.

  • Can Portal or category access be limited to specific users or groups?

    Portal access can be limited to specific users or groups, so that any media content published in that Portal will only be accessible to specified users or groups. However, this is not supported at the category level which means all categories within a Portal are accessible to all users and groups that have been given access to that Portal.

    Read more: How to Restrict Users from Accessing Portal. 

  • How can access permissions be defined at Portal level without having to specify individual users or groups?

    VIDIZMO allows Administrators and Managers to select "Membership Type" for their Portals, which defines Portal level access permissions applicable to all media published in that Portal. This setting can be changed easily at any time and is effective immediately for all published media. Click on Understanding Portal Membership to learn more. 

  • Can a video be published to more than one Portal or category?

    No, media content can only be published to one Portal and category at a time. However, Administrators and Managers can choose to copy media content over to other Portals that they have Manager roles with.

  • Can VIDIZMO prevent users from performing certain actions?

    Yes, all Users have assigned roles with pre-defined permissions. These roles can be customized to meet specific business needs such as removing permissions to view or take certain actions. For any customization requests, please contact VIDIZMO Support.

  • Does VIDIZMO permits to add/upload users manually?

    VIDIZMO allows manual uploading of users by administrator/manager by inviting them using their email addresses. The bulk of users can be added by sending an invitation to many email addresses separated by comma from the Users and Group menu. Additionally, users can visit the portal, press on the Join Portal link, and fill out a form to request access to the portal. Administrators or managers can approve these requests from Users and Groups. Learn more about How to Add Users to a Portal.  

See all 9 articles