The Playback Page in VIDIZMO displays a set of media related to the media being played back. Related Media is populated using a smart algorithm that takes into account the most relevant media published in the Portal library and is based on the following attributes:
- Title
- Author name
- Category
- Tags
- Description
Once the video is uploaded and these attributes are provided, VIDIZMO determines the most relevant published media based on these attributes and displays them on the right side of the Playback Page.
Note: In the case of a Course, related media is determined based on the attributes of the Course and not the individual Modules (media). However, in case of Playlist and Collection, it is determined based on the attributes of individual media which is why it dynamically refreshes as a user progresses from one media to another within a Playlist or Collection.
I. From the Portal's homepage, select your desired video to view.
II. On the playback page of your desired media file, the related media will appear on the right side.
III. Select your desired media for playback.
IV. Your media will play automatically.
Contributions were made by Kashif Qasim & Sarah Hussain.
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How To Create and Edit A Playlist