
The copy link feature allows you to copy the playback URL of a media file. Media's link can be copied from:

  • Media Manager (Moderator and above roles)

Note: If the Account/Portal is accessible by anonymous/external users, the URL will navigate the user to the desired media. However, in cases where the Account/Portal is limited to authenticated users, the media can only be accessed by registered VIDIZMO users. If the video is set as private in the access tab, then it cannot be viewed by someone with the copied link. Also, the copied URL captures all the selected filters which were in place on the media so that the same result is displayed when the URL is shared with other users.

I. From the Portal's Homepage:

1. Click on the Media Manager to select the media.
2. Towards the bottom right-hand side, click on the overflow menu to expand the list of operations that can be performed on the media.

3. Select the Copy URL option.

II. A Copy Link window will appear. Click on Copy to copy the media link.

III. Paste the copied link into the address bar of your browser to view the media.

Contributions were made by Javeria Hasan & Mustafa Zulfiqar

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How to Copy Media from One Portal to Another