
Evidence may undergo changes within its lifecycle from evidence ingestion to disposition and everything in between) most of these activities require attention from the designated officers, who then can take action. To notify the concerned authorities a notification system is required to send an automatic email notification whenever a specific activity takes place on a case/evidence. To cater to this requirement, VIDIZMO Digital Evidence Management System (DEMS) offers an Alert Generation feature

Using VIDIZMO Group Permissions authorized portal users may assign Evidence/Case permission for evidence flagging to a group of Viewer and/or Contributor portal users. This permission would allow them to flag evidence/case empowering them to receive alerts against the subscribable events 


Access Group Permissions

 I. From the Portal's Homepage:

1. Click on the navigation menu on the top left of your screen.

2. Expand the Admin tab.

3. Click on Users & Groups, and you'll be directed to the Users & Groups page.

Assign Flag Permission to a Group

I.  From the Users and Groups screen:

1. Hover over the User Group, to which you want to assign Custom Group Permissions, and click to open the overflow menu.

2. Select the Edit Group option. It will take you to the edit screen for the selected group.

II. From the Edit Group screen shown below:

1. Use the Toggle button against Allow users to flag Evidence/Case to assign this permission to the selected group.

2. You have the ability to control flagging permission by allowing them to flag:

a. Their accessible Evidence/Case (shared with or assigned to them)

b. Their uploaded Evidence

3. Click on the Save Changes button.

Once this permission is given to a group, all group members will be able to flag evidence/cases.

Note: When members of a group in which permission to flag has been enabled - then a workflow will be triggered to disallow users (who are no longer part of the group) to flag evidence or cases

Contributions were made by Perwasha Khan & Waqar Baig.

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Understanding User Groups to Manage Access Rights and Permissions