Nov 23, 2021
What's New
Multi-lingual transcription
Hi! Hola! Bonjour! Hallo! Have people speaking multiple languages in a single video? Our AI can now transcribe multiple languages and show them in a single file. We support only 4 languages using Azure at the moment, but we plan to expand include more languages and explore more of the world.
Bug Fixes
Our video analytics and QOE reports were taken a bit of time of load, which now have warmed up and open up swiftly as they should.
Our search was showing up random characters when the language was switched to Japanese. We have done a language course as a refresher and it all works well now.
Insights for a video were not being displayed if it was played through a playlist, which too now has been fixed.
Our search helps you quickly find what you need, and it just got faster. This is because we have further improved the response time of our search results.
A little bit of changes and our resource files now load faster and more seamlessly.
While on the topic of optimization, we also noticed that audio files were taking too long when uploaded using the AWS indexer. Optimized that one as well!