Viewer interactivity within live sessions is critical to engage a live audience. With interactivity, your audience can have an engaged, active video-viewing experience as they have a way to participate in a discussion, provide feedback or ask questions as they can in social media apps like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc. that offer live video.
VIDIZMO provides a number of interactivity options to its end-users during a live streaming session. One of them is a live chat feature for the session participants. To learn more about it, read How to Enable and View Interactivity Options in a Live Session
Here we shall be looking at LiveChatInfo Object in detail to understand the various properties it contains in VIDIZMO REST API Reference.
LiveChatInfo Object
{ "meetingId": <string>, //unique identifier of the live chat meeting "messageId": <string>, //unique identifier of the message "message": <string>, //the text of the message sent on chat "replyTo": <string>, //the message to which this message is being sent as a reply to "sentDate": <utcDateAndTime>, //date-time when the message was sent //userProfileInfo object that contains details of the user who sent the msg //Read more about the object here: https://help.vidizmo.com/en/support/solutions/articles/17000110691-api-reference-guide-userprofileinfo-object "from": <userProfileInfo>, "to": { //details of the users to whom the message was sent - only applicable in QnA "id": <string>, //when type is set to User, then this defines the id of the user profile "emailAddress": <string>, //When type is set to User, then this defines the email Adderss of the user "type": <string> //values can be None, ALL, Moderators, User }, "type": <string>, //type of message - values can be None, ALL, Chat, QnA, Command "commandType": <string> //type of command - PushTimedData, RevokeTimedData, CompleteTimedData, UpdateSessionStatus, UpdateRecordingStatus }