
VIDIZMO provides users with the capability to effectively redact objects or audio from video, image, and audio evidence files prior to sharing them. This feature allows users to maintain confidentiality, privacy, or compliance requirements by removing sensitive or unwanted elements from their media content. This can be done in our Studio Space, where users effortlessly create redacted versions of evidence files while preserving the integrity of the original content.

In Studio Space, our advanced AI tool intelligently processes videos, identifying entities such as persons, faces, vehicles, license plates, weapons and personally identifiable information (PII). To improve accuracy in editing, users can use the drawing tool to outline custom objects manually. During this process, users can choose the desired video duration and select objects for detection. After the complete detection process, the AI indexer will identify and catalog occurrences of selected objects such as faces, people, weapons, vehicles, and license plates.

For more precise object positioning, users can effortlessly edit bounding boxes. If any objects go undetected, users can manually create objects within the video or image. Prior to use, ensure the portal administrator enables redaction activity from the admin panel for seamless Studio Space utilization.

For a more profound comprehension, please refer to the article Understanding Redaction Using Studio Space.


VIDIZMO Redaction Tool ensures simplifying the redaction process. Whether blurring faces, obscuring sensitive information, muting audio segments, or any other form of content alteration, VIDIZMO offers a user-friendly environment for carrying out these tasks. Users can utilize confidence scores for accurate object detection, streamline content management with object search and filtering, and analyze objects over specific time intervals. The left menu UI enhances document redaction, providing greater control and flexibility in object tracking and time data editing.

Our Redaction Tool has consistent theme colors in the mosaic screen to enhance visual appeal, and redaction settings have been simplified through a single modal for intuitive customization. Furthermore, users can now open media in a new tab, promoting multitasking and boosting productivity. The objects merge modal maintains a cohesive interface, and transcript search and filtering have been enhanced for effortless segment selection.

Understanding the Confidence Score of Each Object

The confidence score represents the probability that an anchor box contains an object. With Studio Space, users can filter detected objects based on their confidence scores. You have the flexibility to set the desired confidence threshold, allowing you to filter out objects with confidence scores below the specified number. The default confidence filter value is already set, but you can easily update it according to your requirements.

Object Search and Filtering for Manually Drawn Objects and Selections

Studio Space introduces the functionality to search through manually drawn objects, making it easier for you to find specific elements. Additionally, you can now filter objects that were manually drawn, streamlining the selection process further.

Splitting a Single-Time Data Object

With Studio Space, you can split a single time data object into two independent objects. By choosing the desired time for the split, a new object will be formed, starting at the splitting point in the video. This feature allows you to handle time data objects more precisely. Locate the exact time point within the object tracking data where errors occurred during the review. Access the "Split" option by right-clicking on objects, which will logically separate the object-tracking data into two distinct objects. 

Splitting operates in accordance with the present player time. For instance, if a user's timed data object spans from 4 to 7 minutes and the intention is to perform a split at the 5-minute mark, it is imperative that the user's player time is adjusted to 5. This alignment ensures the split will occur precisely at the 5-minute juncture, effectively generating two distinct timed data objects as a result. Once the data is split, you can select the object and re-track it.

Change Classification of Detected and Custom Drawn Objects

Studio Space empowers users to change the classification of objects, whether they were detected by the indexer or drawn manually. When reclassifying objects, any custom attributes attached to them might be removed if they are not applicable to the new classification.

Settings in Top Ribbon for Efficient Control

The top ribbon of Studio Space now hosts essential settings, providing users with more efficient control. You can manage settings related to Redaction, and Detection and choose the Object class filter from this convenient location.

Object Class Filter for Improved Viewing

With the Object class filter in Studio Space, you can easily filter and view specific classes of objects on the left panel or in the player, streamlining your redaction process.

Right-Click Menu for Quick Actions

Perform actions swiftly by accessing a context menu by right-clicking on objects. This intuitive feature allows for faster object management.

Shortcut Keys for Enhanced Efficiency

Shortcut keys have been thoughtfully added to expedite processes and improve controls' accessibility, boosting your productivity while using Studio Space.

Direct Access to Redaction or Mosaic from the Overflow Menu

Users now have the option to open the media file in redaction or mosaic directly from the overflow menu, eliminating the need to navigate to Studio Space before accessing these features.

Set the Quality of Video Playback

You can choose the video quality at which the content will be played. By default, the highest available quality will be played, ensuring a seamless viewing experience.

Responsive Canvas Size Adjustment

Studio Space automatically adjusts the canvas size to maintain the aspect ratio of videos and mashups uploaded by the user. This ensures a consistent and visually appealing display.

Sort Objects Based on Time Data Start Time

Objects are sorted based on the time they first appear in the mashup, facilitating better organization and navigation within Studio Space.

Bulk Select Files for Mosaic

Users can now select multiple videos and open them directly in the mosaic from the bulk actions menu, simplifying the redaction process for multiple files.

Continuous Object Drawing

For a more intuitive drawing experience, Studio Space allows continuous object drawing without the need to hold down the control key. This applies to the manual drawing of any classification.

Time Picker for Precise Navigation

The addition of a time picker in Studio Space enables users to manually provide a timestamp and instantly move the seek to the desired moment in the video. The time picker restricts inputs beyond the video length.

Colored Identification for Tracked Objects

Easily distinguish tracked objects from non-tracked ones. Tracked objects are marked with a green bounding box, while non-tracked objects have a blue bounding box.

Next Step 

VIDIZMO's Redaction Tool ensures a seamless user experience, simplifying the redaction process. Once you have familiarized yourself with the array of Studio Space features, follow our comprehensive step-by-step guide to learn how to utilize the Redaction Tool in VIDIZMO effectively.