
To help you make informed business decisions regarding resource consumption when managing your VIDIZMO Account deployed on SaaS environment, you can view your Consumption Reports with the ease of a single click. The reports are generated on a daily basis and can be filtered with multiple specific and customizable time period for a more thorough usage analysis. 

In VIDIZMO, the detailed consumption reports can be utilized by an organization to monitor usage of different services, maintain budgets and overages of the VIDIZMO resource being consumed.

In this article, we will walk you through different sections of the reports initially and then explain the two different detailed views for these reports.


In VIDIZMO, only Administrators are allowed to access Reports of an Account which are present in Navigation Menu>Portal Settings>Account>Consumption Reports.



The categories which are being metered for their usage and reported on the Account include: 

  1. Users
  2. Bandwidth 
  3. Transcoding 
  4. AI Processing
  5. Storage


This category displays the quantity of all types of Users in an Account:

  1. Total registered Users in all Portals. 
  2. Total Active Users per billing period, in regards to all authenticated users having specific roles in the Account actively using their respective Portals for that consumption period. If a user's last login has not been in the current consumption period, then they will not be included in the active users count. An organization is primarily billed against its active users every billing period.
  3. The total number of Administrators, Managers, Moderators, Contributors, and Viewers in your Account. If same user belongs to Account as well as Portal, higher role limit applies. For example, if John Doe is a Contributor in one Portal and a Viewer in another, he will be registered as a Contributor while accounting for number of registered users and allowed Administrators. To learn more about them, see: Understanding User Roles.


This category depicts the total number of Portals in an Account.


All the bandwidth consumption, including that utilized while uploading, playing back content or even navigating within the Account and Portals, is displayed under this category. 


This resource of bandwidth category portrays the total count of GBs consumed while performing playback of content, downloading content and static files from server. These static resources include the static content of the application such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and image files etc. The content which is being served from cache is not reported under this category. 


This resource chart displays the quantitative analysis of all the Ingress GBs which includes the bandwidth consumed while uploading the content and navigating through out the application. All the API calls that are made to the server while using the VIDIZMO application are metered and reported under this resource as well. To read more about VIDIZMO's APIs, click here. Moreover, this also encompasses the bandwidth utilized while uploading the output generated by the processing and AI processing of content to the storage.



The primary reason for transcoding/encoding is to ensure universal playback across all devices, players and browsers by creating multiple renditions of the uploaded media. This chart depicts the details that how much GB of data was transcoded as sum off all data uploaded for transcoding and the renditions or variations created for it in GBs. To learn more about transcoding and the renditions created as a result , go through Understanding Encoding Profiles in VIDIZMO.

AI Processing

This category encompasses the quantitative analysis of performing the following activities in a Portal:

  1. OCR 
  2. Redaction
  3. Object Detection
  4. Video Insights generation
  5. Audio Insights generation
  6. Transcription/Translation
  7. PII Detection and Redaction
  8. Summarization

AI Ingress

This resource reports the count of total size in GBs of content uploaded that goes through AI specific activities.

AI Content Duration 

This resource depicts the duration in hours of the content that has been uploaded to perform AI specific activities.

AI Computation

This resource reports the hours consumed while processing content through AI specific activities.


This portion reports the amount of space allocated to store content on cloud-based storage, measured in GB. 

Note: This is always the highest amount of storage that has been consumed till the specified time.

Report Type

For all the categories discussed above ,there are two different styles of reports which display consumption:

  1. Summary for each Category
  2. Trend

Summary for each Category

On the Consumption Reports screen, there is a separate tab for each category summary which displays the total amount of resource usage, allowed limit and respective overage that is represented in the form of a bar chart. For understanding purpose, let's take the example of Storage summary:

i. Consumed: This specifies the number of units consumed of the resources in an Account.

ii. Allowed Limit/Package Limit: This is the maximum usage limit of the said resources per package given to a customer. For example, the value against Storage Allowed Limit bar displays the maximum storage consumption allowed in your Account.


iii. Overage: The extent to which a resource has been used in excess against its package limit. When the usage in your Account exceeds your package limit, you will be charged for the excess units according to terms and conditions specified in your contract. 


iv. Consumption Period: A consumption period or billing cycle in VIDIZMO is the interval for which the license is purchased by an organization to utilize the resources. 

The options which are available for Consumption Period with respect to each Billing Category are: 

  1. Monthly: You will be provided VIDIZMO's resources for 30 days. This will display the aggregated consumption for the entire month in the consumption reports.
  2. Quarterly: You will be provided VIDIZMO's resources for 3 months. This displays the aggregated consumption for the entire quarter.
  3. Bi-annually: You will be provided VIDIZMO's resources for 6 months. This displays aggregated consumption for the 6 months. 
  4. Annually: You will be provided VIDIZMO's resource for a year. This displays the aggregated the consumption for the entire year.

VIDIZMO provides versatility to you for the consumption period to be configured according to your organizational needs and requirements. Your organization can purchase annual limits of one billing category for example Transcoding and quarterly limits for any other billing category for example AI Processing and so on. This makes the license you purchase fully customizable in terms of billing period.

Note: To configure the Consumption/Billing Period for each Billing Category according to your requirements, please contact our Support.

The Trends tab displays line charts of the quantitative usage over a continuous time period. Organization can see the engagement of the utilization of services over the time. For understanding purpose, let's take an example of Storage reports for This Month filter:

Here, the units of storage consumed over a course of month can be viewed for each week of this month specifically. It can be seen that the storage occupied in the Account increases as the month proceeds.


1. It is worthy to note that if you are not being billed for a particular resource then your reports will be displayed with only consumption but no allowed limit and relative overage bar as depicted below. 

Additionally, the tabular view will clearly state that you are 'Not Billed' for this resource under the Allowed Limit column. 

2.  The consumption for storage is always the maximum number of GBs of space you have consumed to store your content till this date. In other words, if you uploaded 100GB in March and and on end of March, you delete all the content and also purge it, even then your consumption report would display 100 GB consumption and you will be charged accordingly. However, on the 1st day of the next billing period, this will go down to whatever storage consumption is that day and the cycle repeats.

Similarly, for Users and Portals, you will be charged for the maximum usage in your Account for the entire Billing Period. For example, for an Annual Billing Period, if the number of Administrators in your Account was 50 at the start of the year and 25 of them were deleted at the end of the year. Yet, you will still be invoiced for the maximum consumption that is 50 Administrators.

Billing Filter

The billing cycle encompasses the period from the creation date of your portal and extends for a duration of 30 days thereafter. This setup facilitates precise monitoring of your expenditures and empowers you to efficiently oversee your financial resources. Additionally, users can apply filters based on weekly, monthly, or customized reporting preferences.