
VIDIZMO allows its users to create and design Surveys, enabling them to have a more individualistic experience with your content than just a superficial one. Surveys help you take feedback from the users and understand their view about the content.

To learn more about it, read: Understanding Survey.


I. Click on the Red Add New Media (+) icon towards the bottom right-hand corner.

II. You will be redirected to a new page, where you can choose to Create Survey.

III. Creating a basic Survey is as easy as carrying out these two basic steps:

1. Set a Title for your Survey.

2. Drag and drop questions to your Survey.

3. Select Preview Survey to preview how your audience will experience it, choose dummy answers and complete the Survey for submission 

However, there is more to VIDIZMO Surveys than just a basic mainstream survey. Here is how you can configure more settings and options to design a well-informed Survey.

Configure Survey Settings

IV. You can configure the following settings for a Survey:

  1. Click on the Settings Icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Select the Show About Page in the beginning checkbox if you want to start the Survey by informing the users about the Survey. This is an excellent way to prepare them mentally before the Survey starts. 
  3. You can also select Show Page Titles that determine whether you want to include every page title in the Survey.
  4. Show progress during Survey would enable users to see a progress bar at the top of the Survey indicating how many pages out of the total have been completed.
  5. You can enter Time limit (in sec).
  6. Then click on Update button.

Configure Page Settings

V. You can configure the following settings for a Page within a Survey:

1. Enter Page Title for every page within a Survey. It could be the subject area to which the questions are related.

2. Page Description contains information/hints about the questions within the page for ease of understanding.

3. You can choose the order to display questions during the Survey. Options include:

  • Initial, which is as arranged by you while designing.
  • Random, which shuffles questions in every survey attempt.

4. Click Update to save settings.

Configure Question Settings

VI. You can configure the following settings for a Question within a Survey:

1. Enter Input Place Holder text. (Specific instruction about the required answers).

2. Select the Input type for the required answer.

3. You can mark is Required checkbox, to make a question mandatory to answer; without answering mandatory questions, you can not proceed to the next page during the Survey.

4. Start with new line checkbox indicates all questions will start with new line. Otherwise, questions will display in columns.

5. Click Update to save settings.

    6. After you’re done previewing, click the Next button to go into the Media Settings where you can configure several options for your Survey before it is published.

    7. In the Media Settings, you can configure the Survey's basic information, publishing options, and access. Refer to Understanding Media Settings for more information.

    8. Click Save or Save and Close to publish your Survey with all configured settings. 

Editing Survey Settings in VIDIZMO

VII. You can modify the Media Settings of your Survey after it has been published if you want to reconfigure certain settings or permissions. This is useful if you want to grant access to a group of users who previously did not have permission or vice versa. It's also handy if you're incorporating the Survey within a video that has different permissions and you want to ensure that the access permissions for both are configured in such a way that your intended audience can view both. 

To allow access of the Survey to Anonymous Viewers:  

    1. Go to your Portal’s Media Manager.

    2. Click the Published tab and locate the survey you wish to edit.  

    3. A survey file can be identified with the ‘Survey’ icon at the top left on its thumbnail. 

    4. Select Settings from the overflow menu of the survey file to go into its Media Settings. 

    5. To modify access and viewing permissions, click the ‘Access and Sharing’ tab. 

    6. Select 'Anonymous Viewers' to grant them access to your Survey. 

    7. Select ‘Save’ or ‘Save and Close’ to finalize your configurations.

To learn more about integrating a survey in VIDIZMO, see: 

For more information and details regarding Surveys in VIDIZMO, visit Understanding Surveys

Contributions were made by Sidra Jabeen.

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