As an Administrator/Manager, you can change your Account/Portal URL by selecting one of the available domain options: Subdomain, Directory, Custom Domain.
1. Subdomain: This option allows you to select a subdomain under so your Portal website address would be similar to as an example.
2. Directory: This option allows you to use a subdirectory or folder structure under the primary domain of so your Portal website address would be similar to as an example.
3. Custom Domain: This option allows you to use your primary domain or subdomain based on your preference, such as so your Portal website address would be similar to
To learn more about Domain Options, click on Understanding Domain Options for a Portal.
Prerequisite for On-Premise or Bring Your Own Cloud (BYOC) Deployment
On-Premise or BYOC (Bring Your Own Cloud) deployments require configuration of following keys in Application Configuration before selecting any of this domain can be configured. However, this is not required under a SaaS model.
1. Directory: Following keys in application configuration should be set as:
i. UseMainDomainForSessionCookie = false
ii. OfficialDomain = (for e.g:
iii. OfficialSecureDomain = (for e.g:
iv. should point to VIDIZMO application server
2. Subdomain: Following keys in application configuration should be set as:
i. UseMainDomainForSessionCookie = true
ii. OfficialDomain = (for e.g:
iii. OfficialSecureDomain = (for e.g:
iv. * should map to VIDIZMO application server
3. Custom Domain:
Any custom domain such as should map to VIDIZMO application server.
Once you make changes, the impact will be applicable on all Account/Portal URLs.
Steps to Change Portal URL
1. From the Portal's Homepage login using an Administrator or Manager rights on your Account:i. Click on the menu icon on the top left-hand corner of the screen to bring up the left navigation pane.
ii. Then click on the down arrow to expand the Admin section.
iii Select the Settings to open the Portal Settings navigation panel.
2. From the Portal Settings pane:
i. Click on the Branding tab to expand its options.
ii. Then click on the Domain for Domain Selection.
iii. Select Subdomain as your domain option.
iv. Enter the name of a Subdomain and Check Availability.
v. If the Subdomain available. Click on the Update button to save changes.
Note: A notification will be displayed stating: Portal details have been updated successfully.
3. Once done, the changes will be reflected in the Portal's URL.

1. From the Domain Selection:
i. Select Directory as your domain option.
ii. Enter the name of a directory and Check Availability.
iii. If the Directory is available, click on Update to save changes.
Note: Configuring a custom domain on VIDIZMO Portal consists of two parts: The first part is to configure CNAME for Custom Domain on a web hosting site and the second part includes configuration on VIDIZMO.
Roles and Permissions
Managers and Administrators can define the domain options for a Portal from Portal Settings.