Many organizations need to have their data secure and isolated due to which they want their applications to be deployed either on-premise or in their private cloud. VIDIZMO can be installed in either location depending upon the requirements of the enterprise. On-Premise/Private Cloud deployment is best for organizations with dynamic or unpredictable computing needs that demand direct authority & control over their environments, typically to meet security, business governance or regulatory compliance requirements.
Before you start
Following are certain prerequisites and considerations to the installation of VIDIZMO application:
Database Server Requirements
Following are the minimum requirements for installing a Database Server:
- Database Server:
VM/Physical Server with a minimum of 16GB RAM, 4 Core CPU, 256 GB HDD with 500 Mbps Throughput.
VIDIZMO V9 Windows Server 2019, 2016 (Version 1607 or later) Microsoft SQL Server 2019 VIDIZMO V8 Windows Server 2019, 2016 (build 14393 or later). Microsoft SQL Server 2017, 2019 VIDIZMO V7 Windows Server 2019, 2016 Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Build Version which is 14.0.3238.1 or later.
- Open Firewall Ports between application and database servers: 80, 443, 11211, 1433 (or any suitable port)
- All machines should be on the same Local or Virtual Network.
Application Server Requirements
Following are the minimum requirements for installing VIDIZMO in an on-premise/private cloud environment:
- Application Server:
- VM/Physical Server with a minimum of 16GB RAM, 4 Core CPU, 128 GB HDD with 500 Mbps Throughput.
VIDIZMO V9 Windows Server 2019, 2016 (Version 1607 or later) .NET Framework 6.0.12 .NET 6.0.12 runtime and hosting bundle IIS 10 or greater
VIDIZMO V8 Windows Server 2019, 2016 (build 14393 or later), .NET Framework 5.0.17 .NET 5.0.17 runtime and hosting bundle IIS 10 or greater
VIDIZMO V7 Windows Server 2019, 2016 .NET Framework 4.6 .Net Core Hosting Bundle 2.1.6 or later
IIS 10 or greater
- VM/Physical Server with a minimum of 16GB RAM, 4 Core CPU, 128 GB HDD with 500 Mbps Throughput.
- Open Firewall Ports between application and database servers: 80, 443, 11211, 1433 (or any suitable port)
- Open Firewall Ports 80 and 443 between corporate firewall and following domains. This is required for VIDIZMO Software License Activation, monitoring, receiving ongoing software updates and upgrades, and VIDIZMO player to function properly.
- *.enterprisetube.com
- *.vidizmo.com
- *.vo.msecnd.net
- Open Firewall Port 1935 between your live encoder and streaming server, for live streaming purposes. If you are using VIDIZMO ECDN, this port should be open on all ECDN nodes. For cloud-based streaming depending on which of the following streaming providers you choose for its streaming services, following streaming server domains should be open for access via this port:
- *.windows.net (Azure Media Services)
- *.akamaihd.net (Wowza Streaming Cloud)
- All machines should be on the same Local or Virtual Network.
- Administrative access to the VM/server on which VIDIZMO Application will be installed.
Encoding Server Requirements
- Encoding Server:
- VM/Physical Server with a minimum of 16GB RAM, 8 Core CPU minimum / 16 Core CPU Recommended, 256 GB HDD with 500 Mbps Throughput.
- Open Firewall Ports between application and database servers: 80, 443, 11211, 1433 (or any suitable port)
- All machines should be on the same Local or Virtual Network.
Domain Name & SMTP Considerations
Prerequisites for installation and configuration of VIDIZMO in an On-Premise/Private Cloud environment are:
- Domain Name for your Media Portal: This is the domain name users will type in to access your media portal. The domain name should map to a public (or private in case external access is not intended) IP of VIDIZMO Application Server.
- SSL Certificate for Selected Domain Name (Optional): In case use of HTTPS is required for secure communication between users’ browser and VIDIZMO application.
- SMTP Service Credentials: For VIDIZMO Application to send out email notifications to administrators and users triggered in different scenarios such as registration requests, content upload, content sharing etc. This can be a service account (recommended) or user account that can be obtained from your corporate mail server administrator. Alternatively, it can also be setup with a 3rd party SMTP service such as sendgrid.com, Amazon SES etc.
VIDIZMO Installation
Database Server Setup
To install SQL Server to set up your Database Server, see: Install SQL Server from the Installation Wizard. Following this Installation Wizard, under Step 11 for Feature Selection, you need to select the following features:
- Database Engine Services
- Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search
- SQL Client Connectivity SDK
Restore Databases
You need to restore databases via SQL Server Management Studio to be used with VIDIZMO Application. To learn more about it, see: Restore a Database Backup Using SSMS.
Follow the steps mentioned under Restore a full database backup to add a backup file, that our Support Team shall provide for restoration. The file names would be the following:- VidizmoDB_6_0.bak
- VidizmoNotificationSystem_6_0.bak
Application Server Setup
A separate Application Server is required as a prerequisite to setting up the VIDIZMO application for On-Premise/Private Cloud deployment. This Server will be used to install the VIDIZMO Application. For a complete guide on how to set it up, see: How to Setup an Application Server for VIDIZMO Installation.
Extract Application Files
Our Support team will provide you zipped folders of Application files that you will have to download and extract in your Application Server:
i. Go to your C:\ drive location. Unzip and extract the folder named VIDIZMO.rar at the base location.
ii. Wait until the extraction takes place.
iii. Following which, you may go to your C:\ drive and navigate to VIDIZMO > Application to browse all application folders such as Global DLLs, Scripts, etc.
Import Registry
Now, you need to import the database registry in the Application Server in order to connect the application to the database server. This is how you may proceed with it:
1. Our Support team will provide you two registry files, namely newapi and newapi-64 tailored to your specific OS needs.
i. Paste these registries on your Application Server desktop.
The connection strings required in the registries are as follows:
1. "connection"="Data Source=<db server name>;Initial Catalog= VidizmoDB_6_0;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=<user id>;Password=<Use the encrypted password generated in the previous step>"
2. "notificationconnection"= "Data Source=<db server name>;Initial Catalog= VidizmoNotificationSystem_6_0;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=<user id>;Password=<Use the encrypted password generated in the previous step>"
3. "link"="<link to vlms site>"
2. Update the Connection Strings in the registry as follows:
i. Right-click and edit registry file in notepad.
ii. Make following changes in the both registry files, for 32-bit (newapi) as well as for 64-bit (newapi-64) OS:
- Replace all Data Source parameters with the SQL server’s DNS name or the private IP of the SQL server.
- Replace all User ID parameters with the username of SQL Sys Admin (sa).
- Replace all Password parameters with the password of the Sys Admin account.
Encrypt Database Password
Encrypting database password using a utility before entering it into the registry:
- Enter the plain text password that you want to encrypt for the database.
- Open the encryption utility provided by VIDIZMO.
- Copy the newly encrypted password.
- Open the registry editor and locate the field where you need to enter the encrypted password.
- Enter the encrypted password into the field and save your changes.
iii. Now, go to your system's registry editor by navigating to Start Menu > regedit.
iv. Go to File tab, and select Import.
v. Browse to the location where the edited files have been saved and select both registries.
vi. A prompt would be generated saying keys successfully added.
vii. Check keys have been updated in the registry for both 32-bit and 64-bit, respectively.
Install Services
Following are the list of services that VIDIZMO application uses:
- Caching Service used to manage application's memcache for faster streaming and lower latency.
- Notification Service used to ping database for any changes that lead to an email alert generation.
- Scheduler Service used to manage various clock-sensitive processes by refreshing the fetched results like analytics, reports, content purge.
- Analytic Service used to process and update media analytics.
- Workflow Service used to manage various time-consuming processes by breaking them down into activities and managing them separately for a better track of progress.
- Event Service used to log Vidizmo Events generated by different application component.
- Telemetry Service
- Tracking Service
- Distributed Runtime Service
1. Now, you need to install these services on your application server. Here is how you may do it:
i. Before you start, make sure you have the latest .NET Framework see: How to Setup an Application Server for VIDIZMO Installation.
ii. Open Start Menu and type cmd, right-click Command Prompt to Run as administrator.
iii. Type the following command to change directory to the service folder where the .exe file of your service is found, for example:
cd C:\VIDIZMO\Application\Win\MemcachedService
iv. After changing directory in the command prompt, write the following command to install service:
sc create "VIDIZMO-Caching" binpath="C:\VIDIZMO\Application\Win\MemcachedService\VIDIZMOCaching.exe"
Note: In case of Memcached service, make sure you install VIDIZMOCaching.exe rather than memcached.exe.
Open Services App:
v. To Set Service Login Go to Service Properties and click on Log on Tab. (optional)
Set User Account and Password.
vi. Service installed successfully over Command Prompt.
vii. Verify that VIDIZMO Caching Service was installed, by going to Start Menu > Services.
viii Repeat the above process for all remaining services with the following commands:
sc create "VIDIZMO-VIDIZMODistributedRuntimeService" binpath="C:\VIDIZMO\Application\Win\DistributedRuntimeService\DistributedRunTimeService.exe"
sc create "VIDIZMO-VIDIZMONotification" binpath="C:\VIDIZMO\Application\Win\WorkflowService\WorkflowService.exe"
sc create "VIDIZMO-VIDIZMOScheduler" binpath="C:\VIDIZMO\Application\Win\SchedulerService\SchedulerService.exe"
sc create "VIDIZMO-VIDIZMOEventService" binpath="C:\VIDIZMO\Application\Win\NotificationService\NotificationService.exe"
sc create "VIDIZMO-VIDIZMOTrackingService" binpath="C:\VIDIZMO\Application\Win\TrackingService\TrackingService.exe"
sc create "VIDIZMO-VIDIZMOAnalyticsService" binpath="C:\VIDIZMO\Application\Win\AnalyticsService\AnalyticsService.exe"
sc create "VIDIZMO-VIDIZMOTelemetryService" binpath="C:\VIDIZMO\Application\Win\TelemetryService\TelemetryService.exe"
sc create "VIDIZMO-WorkflowService" binpath="C:\VIDIZMO\Application\Win\WorkflowService\WorkflowService.exe"
ix. After installing Scheduler Service, you need to change some additional settings. This would enable the Scheduler Service to restart, which in turn restarts all other services (Caching, Notifications and Workflows). To do so, right-click VIDIZMOScheduler service and select Properties.
x. Go to Recovery tab and set the following recovery settings:

xi. Check the installed services via Start Menu > Services.
IIS Configuration on your Server
Now, we need to create an application site on your IIS server so that you may successfully browse and use the web application. Here is how you may do it:
i. Go to Start Menu and type in 'IIS' to launch your Server Manager.
ii. Expand your Server to view pools and sites, and expand Sites to view all sites within. We won't require default website and to free up the port 80, we shall delete it. Right-click on Default and select Remove.
iii. Right-click Sites and select Add Website from the context menu.
iv. In the resulting screen, enter a name for your site such as "VIDIZMO".
v. By default, an ApplicationPool of the same name will be created and associated with the site.
vi. Under Content Directory, add the local folder location of the web application as the Physical Path: C:\VIDIZMO\Application\Web
vii. Choose Type as http/https as per your DNS Settings and certifications.
viii. Choose IP Address as All Unassigned.
ix. Enter Port number as 80 or 8080 if Default/any other site is configured on your IIS. Or you could stop the state of the Default Website and can use port 80 here.
x. Leave Host name as blank to resolve the site on the host name of your server.
xi. Click Ok to create web site.
Activate License
After setting up your application when you browse it for the first time, you will land onto this Activation page where you may activate your product package by entering the License Key or uploading the License file provided to you by our Support team.